Parking app

We make it easier to plan your daily schedule and help save your precious time
by checking and pre-booking free parking spots in Park It's designated destinations.
Users can save money with free parking and also generate income by renting their
private parking spots.
Save time, earn money, and reduce stress.


Park It allows you to book parking spots in advance using the Park It app. You can either book a spot in our designated parking spots or use Park It's community to find newly available parking spots in real time.


Finding parking spots in crowded areas and large cities takes a lot of time and energy. It's hard to plan ahead of time as you never know how long its going to take.

About us



User Flow

Information Architecture

Parking app

We make it easier to plan your daily schedule and help save your precious time
by checking and pre-booking free parking spots in Park It's designated destinations.
Users can save money with free parking and also generate income by renting their
private parking spots.
Save time, earn money, and reduce stress.


Park It allows you to book parking spots in advance using the Park It app. You can either book a spot in our designated parking spots or use Park It's community to find newly available parking spots in real time.


Finding parking spots in crowded areas and large cities takes a lot of time and energy. It's hard to plan ahead of time as you never know how long its going to take.

About us



User Flow

Information Architecture